LESSON 1                                            WHAT IS NEWS 

                           MONDAY 11 DECEMBER 2023                









. To inform the population about what is going on in the world 

. Education 

. Inform 

. Manipulate

1. 200 Years ago they internet didn't exist back then instead it was word from people mouth but after years gone by the printing press was made that changed the news industry they ware able to make more newspaper then in 1960s the TV came.


This new's paper has a lot of writing and a big picture of the royal family.


                             MONDAY 8 JANUARY 2024

                              LO: To explore the natural and ownership of the news industry.


1. educate , profit , persuade , entertain.

2. people sharing News with other people. 

3. The Printing press.

4. TV in the 1950s. and 1960s.

5. hard news , formal Language , more copy less image.

Tabloid: Red box around masthead big font size not much text but more images , lots of writing 

Broadsheet: It's double the size of the tabloid newspaper no red box and lots of writing , smaller text , and more complicated then Tabloid , serious news and not many pictures. 

Hybrid: is a mixture between tabloid and Broadsheet and some writing , medium size text and some picture on the cover.

1. The Sun, The Times and The Sun on Sunday are owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. The Independent, the i, and The Independent on Sunday are owned by Alexander Lebedev's Independent Print Limited. The Independent is now online only. The Guardian and The Observer are owned by Scott Trust Limited.

2. The observer Daly Mail - owned by Trust 

. Main aim of Newspaper is Money , profit and the content of the news is whatever is popular  


This can effect the News because it is legal for it to be BIAS so the Newspaper companies can twist the facts and make made up news.

The audience may believe that the information is real in the magazine.

mail - 39% Lord Rothermere 

SUN , Times-28% Keith  Ruper Murdoch

 star express , mirror people , daly record


                        MODNAY 29 JANUAREY 2024                          

                                    LO: To investigate the audience for the Observant.

Freedom and Regulation 


it shows what people in power and protect privacy 


to show what the people in power and hiding. Press freedom 


Social media 




. Scoot's Trust 

. Left Wig 


. Advertisement's and sales and sponsorship 

. Because all the newspaper website, so it can be free to everyone 

. Age Range 35+

. Gender- Male and Female 

. They live in south of the U.K 

. Social Class- Middle Class

. political Left Wig  

. Interest - Art's and Culture , Food and Drink's  

Convergence bring together different media. for example observer. and adding comments section onto the website which will make people view on social media or go on a website this attracts the younger generation will view the website. 


                            MONDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2024

                LO: To investigate how print newspaper use media language to create meaning.


Newspaper's are funded by advertisements that are on the newspaper because the companies get payed for their adverts to be on the newspaper.

newspaper are funded by sales because you have to buy. the newspaper , and some of the money goes to the company that makes the newspaper.

Advantage of online news 

.Easier for the user.

. quicker then getting a paper. 

. companies  don't have to pay for workers.

. less damage for the planet.

Disadvantages of online user

. companies don't make money by selling newspaper. 

.you need a phone to use online news. 

. you could be have internet problems.

. people need internet to access it.

. Less profit. 

 . Liberalism- willingness to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one's own; openness to new ideas.

. patriarchy- anti-sexism  and a system of society or government  in which the father or eldest male.

. internationalism- the principles of any of the four Internationals.

. rasism- anti-resism  

. Consumerism- buying things 


. Masthead - serif font with white background and this suggests it's an observant the news and tells the audience everything about there newspaper.

. Caption long shot 

. Date - tells audience how recent is and up to date 

. Byline- NO diversity , all 3 written by male 

. main image low angle shot which connotes power also what she is wearing also suggests power and format article.

. minor image food which. shows that the audience like to spend money which shows they. are rich and waist money.

. SkyBox- lots of adverts about food and politics which shows that the audience like that type of stuff  
. Columns- fits the codes and conventions of a newspaper.

. pull quote Rishi sunk eating habits. 


                         MONDAY 19 FEBRUARY 2024



Advantages and disadvantage of Print Newspaper. 

Advantage's you would have a physical copy of the news paper and you don't need technology to access and is good for the older generation .

Disadvantage it takes a long time to print and costs a lot of money 

. Masthead - the observer it suggests its not bias  

. Navigation - bar new opinion and sport - makes it easy to use and access .

. headline - it makes the reader feel sorry for the Ukraine.

. main image - Low angle shot of present Ukraine which makes him powerful 

. minor - much more normal environment friendly and very relatable. 

. Video - Passive access to news 

. sign in - it let's you personalised news.

1. political bias ( left / middle ) it believe in everyone and supporting Ukraine which is a smaller country. 

3. it focuses on cultures and the people from all over the world 



                         MONDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2024

    LO: To evaluate the impact of social , cultural , political and historic context on 1960s Newspaper.


1. What is Typography - Is The font and the size of text 

2. what is the layout referring to - How the things are laid out like pictures and text 

3. What is Lexis - the words used in the newspaper  

4. What is Masthead - the title design on the newspaper 

Guardian / Observer - now would be the same.

1. Gender equality is starting to change. - gender equal , women are getting more freedom in the 1960s.

2. economies political news and economies "/issues 

3. worry of espionage due to cold war .The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension marked by competition and confrontation between communist nations led by the Soviet Union and Western democracies including the United States.

4. shows the impact of America 

5. unions postpone strike.- public is unsettled with money issues and conservation are , gender union power in the decade it increase in social power , female politician only feature of a women inn power - Barbara castle , promoting an equal gender.

6 . black power protest at the Mexican Olympics , reflecting the anti - rasist movement of the 1960s unselfconscious use of the term "NEGRO"

7. Reflects the context of a white culture that sees what were known as mixed marriages as so is unusual.

                           MONDAY 4 MARCH 2024

LO: To evaluate the impact of social , cultural , political and historic context on 1960s Newspaper PT2.


1. what is a navigation bar - ia section of a graphical user interface intended to aid visitors in accessing information.

2. What is the banner referring to - The  heading appearing on web Page and advert .

3. a text that pulled from a text that is duplicated and text copy. 

4. stand first- is The summery of a paragraph of the text in the newspaper.

5. what is a masthead - masthead is in the title of a Newspaper.

Vietnam war Headlines:

. Hope rise for case fire in the Vietnam 

. Human wave attack 

. Enough of this sorrow  


                            MONDAY 18 MARCH 2024

                               LO: To Explore the exam format and content for the unit. 


1 the dominator 

2. THE OBSERVER title 

3. 9+

4. the right side 


6/ 1. Globalisation 

6/ 2. broadsheet 


7/ 1. Print newspaper Atracts older audience - tradional way. / theres no moetoment access

7/ 1. the advantage is that it lasts. loneger abd its more trustworthy.
    2. the advantage of onlne newspaper is easy to access.



Race is an under -represented social group because they rearly shown in the news and when it shows it is strong and different gender types and different class. and they all grouping to gether so it can mack a standard realism.

The under-represented group is a group on a cover of the Observer is also a Women wich shown on the top right side yellow box . She is powerfull and confident with her self , she is a women that shammed the Big compeny The BBC  which shown her confident and she staned to the BBC moreover the image the next image to this headline is is shows the Women smilling to show she's not sceared of the BBC.


L. Media Language. 

I. Indeustry.

A. Audiences. 

R. Representation.


The media language is used in the Observer convey the gener of broadsheet 

                               MONDAY 25 MARCH 2024

LO/To explore the exam format for Q9 for the News unit and apply analysis skills and exam writing technique.

1. list the conversation of tabloid newspaper covers 

2. list Conventions of broadsheet newspaper cover 

3. which is the Observer? - Broadsheet 

4. image


What makes it  a Broadsheet 

. intro - yes it is a broadsheet , copy masthead and headline.

. Main image and the cover.

.The Observer cover and reflects generic and convention of the  Masthead - in bold , serif , black and white and capitals and lowercase and this make it more serious and the colour black and white make the newspaper look more serious.
And the body language is important in the image . Rishi Sunak and the deputy prime minister of the Unite States this makes it that the USA and  UK support each other and the that they shake hand in front of the camera this makes the image positive. And The media Language used to reflects the genre and convention by the amount of copy that is used in the front of the page , the masthead and the headline of The Observer Newspaper. This clearly indicates that the observer establishes it self the broadsheet newspaper. In conclusion


                           MONDAY 15 APRIL 2024 

                           LO: To reflect on the exam and identify area to improve 


1. LIAR- Media Language , audiences , industry , representation.

2. 1960s Cold War Vietnam war , racism , patriarchy.

3. 2020s WAR in Ukraine , less racism , less sexism , globalisation.   


q6. age 

q7. theres no laws / central regulator  and to complex 

q8. Convention of a broadsheet has a large image on the cover and the image shows serious people and        the body language of the people in the image. 

q9. The representation of an Observer newspaper a it's typical because the main cover image of a black women and white male this which shows both are represented equal and happy people and this breaks the stereotypical.
The Representation of the cover and the also shows The Observer newspaper. 


. gender , more adverts , a lot of writing , poor printing  


                              MONDAY 22 APRIL 2024

                               LO: To explore the exam format  and content news unit. 


The Observer newspaper cover reflects the generic and convention of a broadsheet the newspaper layout and the font style used for the cover. for example the skybox which separates the main news , story from that hard news content of newspaper which makes the advert  pops out and catch the eye the audience which makes the which separates  and symbolises from serious news which reflected in the headline "tax" cuts backfire .  The fact that the skybox also features celebrities and the lifestyle.

                               MONDAY 29 APRIL 2024

                        LO: To explore the contextual issues of news in modern newspaper.


1. A lot images and less copy of serious news 

2. lots of copy images  


1. lifestyle. 

2. less patriarchal - Gender equality. 

3. technology is more advanced. 

4. consumerism buying things.

5. Wars in Russia , Gaza-Iran , flood in Dubai.

6. Multicultural. 

7. online news. 

8. Fame - celebrity.                                                                                                                                                                              
The Observer covers today depicts the contextual issue of racemes , equality . for example of this image in the skybox where there is a black women. this indicates that on today society we are more equal and respectful and multicultural society and  back on 1960s that did't existed.      


  1. 22/4-absent from the lesson, please read through the lesson on Q9, read the models and attempt a Q9 response.


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